World Summit CPFOH 2021 Transplant medicine at a crossroad


Transplant medicine at a crossroad: An ethics-based profession usurped and repurposed for genocide


This video session will discuss the global ramifications of statesanctioned forced organ harvesting in China where the primary source of organs are Falun Gong prisoners of conscience.

The failure of ethical oversight by medical societies and governments in any country is a violation of, and a threat to, international medical ethics worldwide. Organ harvesting from non-consenting prisoners of conscience is a debased violation of medical ethics. The medical profession betrays its guiding principles and vows by choosing expediency and financial gain over serving the best interest of both patients and the victims who are killed so that the patient may live. Every medical doctor in the world must make a personal choice at the crossroads of atrocity and ethics.


Fri, Sep 17, 2021 · 2:00 PM Paris (GMT 2:00)



• Opening remarks Dr. Torsten Trey

• Speakers

• Q&A

@ World Summit CPFOH 2021

전화 070-4175-2213  | 이메일 

사단법인 한국장기이식윤리협회 KAEOT

서울특별시 중구 남대문로 117, 1127호(다동, 동아빌딩)

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